Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Through the forest, it reminds me as when I was a child when we use to walk through the forests for hours hoping we did not get murdered. This artwork has an owner but probably in Lincolnshire its one of Robert more unusual pieces yet remains one of my favourites due to the colours and the illumination of the children happily walking through with such peace

Robert painted many of these velvet paintings in the 60s 70s and 80s and had sold them as his main source of income for himself and his family now they have just started to surface with some collectors having more than 5 artworks,. The velvets don't value up to the same amount as his olis do but yet they are a fine example of Roberts talent and willingness to succeed as an artist. Susie the proud owner of this wonderful piece wrote this,,, My parents have this lovely picture acrylic on velvet - the picture is of Whitby Abbey and they bought it in Whitby in the 1970's. It's their diamond wedding anniversary soon and we wanted to reframe it and I googled "Ixer" and found your site - would love to know more about the painting and indeed if it is authentic though it's not for sale. I think I can make out bobs buckets but I'm not sure. Now I've found this site I may not reframe it. Thank you.