Thursday, May 19, 2016

Someone has been kind enough to let us put these Wonderful Ixer's on the blog they would like to stay incognito. They wrote thisWe bought two large Robert Ixer originals from a gallery in Cambridgeshire, UK where the artist was visiting in the early 1980’s. The first one ‘Crofton Downs’ illustrates the scene of a lady and child in Crofton Downs, New Zealand as we believe Robert was living near there at the time. We wanted to purchase another but all his works had been sold. Fortunately after speaking with Robert he agreed to paint ‘The Woodman’ for my husband before his return to NZ. The pictures have hung in our home since we purchased them and are much admired.

Robert has really shown us how amazing he was and still is with light colour and depth its almost as if you are there sitting in the artwork. The texture is balanced so well it almost unexplainable.

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