Saturday, December 5, 2015

From Johnathan Watson.
I was very lucky to purchase an original Robert Ixer painting last week from an elderly Gentleman who lived in France the artwork was given to him as a gift from Robert. Robert and Didier enjoyed sailing around the western shores of France and I believe they still keep in touch.
The artwork is 40x60cm and has a Gilt Golden frame the image is a sea scape and has a beautiful French fishing vessel landed on the beach the colours are adorable it has so much depth.
I offered him 8,000Sterling and he almost through me out of the house, so funny but I ended up settling for  14,000 I am so very happy and would love to contact Robert about the story.
I had met Didier at a supermarchie and he invited me for a glass of wine and then he showed me his artworks and I came across this Wonderfull piece. I had heard of Robert but was not sure if it was an original after I blogged this site I was confident and made the offer.
I cannot wait to get back home and hang it on the wall I am going to have a wine party.
How Jolly and Joyful life can be when you stumble upon such magic.

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